Minggu, 06 Juli 2008

starting point

in the 6 months to go, i will be really fucking crazy with this blog discussing
debating arguing on the issue of palm oil, economic globalization, international organization, the realization of international commitment on the social and environmental protection, comparing agreements on paper and the reality in the field.

time for revising my proposal, reconstructing my methodology, and developing the theoretical frame work, will be allocated for one month, that is this july, no more, and no additional time for it.

in august, i wish that the data has been collected in my pocket, while doing my internship at milleu defensie, amsterdam. by doing the internship, i hope that i can reach some important key persons and data from that organization.

i have decided not going home, for several reasons. i am asking a help from my colleagues in west kalimantan and north sumatera for the field data. i hope it can be going through.

i expected it will be finished on august.
september will be a time for conclusion, and revision after defending the theses.
now, after long vacation, it is a time for going back reading and writing.....

good luck, king.

2;37 am, july 07, 08.

Rabu, 16 April 2008

In the shade of the oil palm

The dissertaion talks about the javanes workers in oil palm plantation at North Sumatera. Sjafri tried to scrutinize the relation of certain culture of javanese called
'tentrem' to the persistence of javanese in working on plantation.

social economic considerations are the reason. socially, they have certain culture that is keen to tentrem, tranquility, calm, nrimo. economically they think that to be a worker in plantation is better than outside plantation.

in fact, the condition of worker rights is not sufficient; the wages standard, working hours, rest days, equipment, etc. the socio-cultural pattern in plantation contributes to that persistance; the uniformity of way of thought, communication, religion affiliation, and also to maintain the tentrem life.

in my part, the explanation above to answer the question: why there is no sufficient movement or conflict in plantation is not enough. it can not break and discover
the reality by ending the searching with the word of tentrem as well. He should ask
again why the javanese workers have the certain custom. the author can not see the real power relation in the plantation, and the using of certain power and its tool to control the plantation.
