Rabu, 17 Oktober 2007

group discussion

resume of the lecture; state vs market:
The lecture tries to elaborate two institutions in dev; state and market. The each role of the two has been debated because of the ideology and politic which are addressed/tracked to them.
2. Washington consensus which was born in the era of cold war said as the recipes used by WB-IMF in doing their activity in LDCs
3.The recipes of WB-IMF are fault to LDCs
4.Some new books and intellectuals ( Stiglitz, pilger, Chomsky, vandana siva, john perkins, etc) have shown that WB –IMF are actually very political which is controlled by DCs interests to occupy LDCs.
5.Some LDCs showed their good growing when they stop relation to WB –IMF- WTO; such as Malaysia, china, and now Venezuela,cs
6.The lecturer concluded that state is the most important to play the game in the market; means that state must watch out, protect and control the dynamic of market.

What should LDCs do in order to the facts that WB-IMF are political economic tools of DCs to occupy LDCs?”

1. bring the institutions to the litigation process ( national or international litigation)
2. abolish the institution.
3. reform the institution or create new institution which gives positive prospects to the global justice.
..................group C ; 2101.

Sabtu, 13 Oktober 2007

state vs market

Should govt or shoud not govt involves to the market?
1. clasic economy: free market
2.maynard keynes: in many ways, govt must control the market.
3. neo clasic; derived by washington consensus:
-fiscal discipline
-redirection of public expenditure
-tax reform
-interest rate liberalization
-competitive exchange rate
trade liberalization
competitive exchange rate
-trade liberalization
-liberalization of FDI
-Secure property rights

there are 3 slogan of neos by washington conss: Stabilize, liberalize, Privatize.

*an example of the work of neo -clasic: the east asia miracle ( indonesia,malaysia, south korea, etc..) which were fault.
the report provided by john page( WB consultant): newly industrialize economies of south east asia.

the conclusion:
state is the most powerful institution to chanel and tame the power of market ( Boy

Rabu, 10 Oktober 2007

culture disorientation..........

shit..! oh my god...:)
how can i get the term? i do not know if the term is exist in dictionary
or even in sociology term. but it is just come up suddenly to my mind,
when i woke up in the unpleasant dawn..but its ok, i got a terminology
that might be able to describe my condition nowadays. what the hell are it?
Why I found a word that makes me think too hard to find its definition...:)

culture disorientation; when i want something or when thinking something,
there are several languanges which are speaking in my mind. in other words, I interprete something in my mind in differences languange;sometimes in
english, indonesia, and bataknese..i do not now why my brain responses like that.

when i am annoying by something, batak languange will come up, or if i do silly things. when i think about a defenition, tailoring it in english and indonesia
in my mind. when i count something, some time i use english and other times i use
indonesia languange. when i am dreaming,i speak in english, but another time
speak in the others langunges. or...when I am shocked by something, I often
use indonesia langunge, i.e, when I was playing football, some time I say;
wuih...mantap kali golnya, brengsek!! and immediately all of my friends saw me weirdly....and said, what???.or if i saw a couple was kissing so looong,
some time i said, syaitan, buset dah...
I hope i have defined something......

dorus rijkerplein 164, 5th floor. ISS hostel, the Hague..
kingkong, the dawn, oct 11, 07

Selasa, 09 Oktober 2007

division of labour, social differentition and inequalitiy

Division of labour, social differentiation and inequality can be seen briefly from what Karl Marx said as class analysis. Each social class is determined by what they have which is called by neo Marxism as economic determinism. By Marx, simply each society can be divided to proletariat class having merely “their hands to work” and bourgeois class having production tools and benefiting from proletariat class working.

The Inequality related to the classes can be described from the result of production process. What the bourgeois class gets from the production process is profit of the production which is not only bigger, but also oppressed the other class, while working class or proletariat just reaches wage or salary regulated by bourgeois. This old concept describing class relation is still exist in many developing countries i.e. situation in many big oil palm plantations in Indonesia.

The oil palm plantation built by Dutch Government colonial in the age of eighties in Indonesia (Hindia Netherland) dropped labour from the crowded island, Java, to several islands called transmigration project. They became workers in many plantations called by term of Marx as proletariat; receiving wage every month, they had no access to be the owner of land and the plantation and or to the real profits of the plantation as the owner had. It is happen to every generation of them where I was seeing and familiar with.

assigment for erhard class.

Senin, 08 Oktober 2007

social differentiation

structural difrentiation ;
a concept associated with EVOLUTIONARY THEORIES of history and with structural functionalism. Societies are seen as moving from the simple to the complex via a process of social change based on structural differentiation.

the process may be imangined, in its simple form, asn an amoeba dividing, redividing again. So called simple societies are tribal societies where everithing happens within and through the kinship system. in modern complex societies there are separate institutions of education, work, government, religion, and so forth, while the family now has more spesific and limited roles such as early socialization. differentiation involves the increasing specialization of different subsystem and institution within the society.

Talcot parsons sees the process as involving three stages; a process of differentiation; a process of adaptation and reintegration; and finaly the establishment of a more generela system of values whics holds the more complex society to adapt to its physical and social environment. The basic idea of evolutinary can be found in herbert spencer,1876-1933, and the most general expoused by parsons.

evolutionary theories has been criticized by sociologist during the past two decades; such as anthony giddens; said; the society is not as simple at all.

.......dictionary of sociology, oxford, gordon marshall, 1998.