Rabu, 17 Oktober 2007

group discussion

resume of the lecture; state vs market:
The lecture tries to elaborate two institutions in dev; state and market. The each role of the two has been debated because of the ideology and politic which are addressed/tracked to them.
2. Washington consensus which was born in the era of cold war said as the recipes used by WB-IMF in doing their activity in LDCs
3.The recipes of WB-IMF are fault to LDCs
4.Some new books and intellectuals ( Stiglitz, pilger, Chomsky, vandana siva, john perkins, etc) have shown that WB –IMF are actually very political which is controlled by DCs interests to occupy LDCs.
5.Some LDCs showed their good growing when they stop relation to WB –IMF- WTO; such as Malaysia, china, and now Venezuela,cs
6.The lecturer concluded that state is the most important to play the game in the market; means that state must watch out, protect and control the dynamic of market.

What should LDCs do in order to the facts that WB-IMF are political economic tools of DCs to occupy LDCs?”

1. bring the institutions to the litigation process ( national or international litigation)
2. abolish the institution.
3. reform the institution or create new institution which gives positive prospects to the global justice.
..................group C ; 2101.

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