shit..! oh my god...:)
how can i get the term? i do not know if the term is exist in dictionary
or even in sociology term. but it is just come up suddenly to my mind,
when i woke up in the unpleasant dawn..but its ok, i got a terminology
that might be able to describe my condition nowadays. what the hell are it?
Why I found a word that makes me think too hard to find its definition...:)
culture disorientation; when i want something or when thinking something,
there are several languanges which are speaking in my mind. in other words, I interprete something in my mind in differences languange;sometimes in
english, indonesia, and bataknese..i do not now why my brain responses like that.
when i am annoying by something, batak languange will come up, or if i do silly things. when i think about a defenition, tailoring it in english and indonesia
in my mind. when i count something, some time i use english and other times i use
indonesia languange. when i am dreaming,i speak in english, but another time
speak in the others langunges. or...when I am shocked by something, I often
use indonesia langunge, i.e, when I was playing football, some time I say;
wuih...mantap kali golnya, brengsek!! and immediately all of my friends saw me weirdly....and said, what???.or if i saw a couple was kissing so looong,
some time i said, syaitan, buset dah...
I hope i have defined something......
dorus rijkerplein 164, 5th floor. ISS hostel, the Hague..
kingkong, the dawn, oct 11, 07
Rabu, 10 Oktober 2007
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